목차 문제점 ios에서 다른 패키지와 버전이 맞지 않아 발생 해결방법 pod update # not m1 mac arch -x86_64 pod update # for m1 mac pod install 참고 CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for pod "Firebase/CoreOnly" I've update my flutter package to the last versions and now IOS doesn't work anymore. When I try to update the pods it's shows this error: [!] CocoaPods could not find compatible versions for... stackoverflow.com 공유하기 게시글 관리 LeeBera 저작자표시 '개발 > Flutter' 카테고리의 다른 글 status bar color 변경 (0) 2022.12.04 [Error][Firebase] This operation is sensitive and requires recent authentication. (0) 2022.08.10 [Error][firebase] Unhandled Exception: PlatformException(channel-error, Unable to establish connection on channel., null, null) (0) 2022.08.04 [Error] setState() or markNeedsBuild() called during build (0) 2022.08.01 [Error] dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<MediaQuery>() or dependOnInheritedElement() was called before initState() completed. (0) 2022.07.03 목차 목차 닫기